Kiran Rao’s "Laapataa Ladies" has been chosen as India's official entry for the 2025 Oscars in the Best International Feature Film category. The announcement was made by the Film Federation of India on September 23, 2024, after the film emerged as the top pick from a competitive pool of 29 entries, including big titles like Kalki 2898 AD and Animal. The film is co-produced by Aamir Khan and was praised for its humor, social commentary, and portrayal of gender dynamics.
Plot: "Laapataa Ladies" is a satirical comedy set in rural India, focusing on two newlywed brides who go missing during a train ride and accidentally swap places. The story highlights themes of identity, patriarchy, and the complexities of women's lives in a light-hearted, yet impactful, manner.
Reception: The film has garnered positive reviews from both critics and audiences for its unique storytelling and compelling performances by Nitanshi Goel, Pratibha Ranta, and Sparsh Srivastava. It premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) in 2023 and was later released in Indian theaters in March 2024, followed by a Netflix release in April.
Kiran Rao expressed her gratitude and hope that the film will resonate with global audiences as it has in India, emphasizing the importance of telling stories that reflect diverse experiences of women.