NLC Apprentice Recruitment 2024: Apply for 505 Vacancies

Author avatarSuresh
20 August, 2024
All India

Neyveli Lignite Corporation (NLC) India Limited has announced recruitment for Graduate and Technician (Diploma) Apprentice posts 2024. A total of 505 vacancies will be filled under this recruitment. Interested candidates who meet the eligibility criteria can apply online.


Start Date
19 August, 2024
End Date
02 September, 2024
Exam Mode
Monthly 15,028/- (Govt. DBT : 4,500)

Information for Apprentice Recruitment 2024

Neyveli Lignite Corporation (NLC) India Limited has announced the recruitment of Graduate and Technician (Diploma) Apprentice posts for 2024 to fill a total of 505 posts. Interested candidates can apply online by visiting the career page of NLC India Limited. The online application will be available from 10:00 am on 19 August 2024 to 5:00 pm on 2 September 2024. After completing the online application, print the registration form and submit it along with self-attested copies of the required documents to the office of General Manager, Land Department, NLC India Limited, Neyveli – 607 803 by 5:00 pm on 7 September 2024. The required documents include academic certificates, community certificate (if applicable), and proof of PAP status.

Important Dates:

Start Date for Online Application19-08-2024, 10:00 AM
End Date for Online Application02-09-2024, 5:00 PM
Deadline for Submission of Physical Copies07-09-2024, 5:00 PM
Display Date for Certificate Verification List19-09-2024
Certificate Verification Dates23-09-2024 and 24-09-2024
Display Date for Provisionally Selected Candidates27-09-2024
Reporting/Joining Date for Selected Candidates30-09-2024

Age Limit

The age limit will be as per the Apprenticeship Rules.

Application Fees

For All Applicants :- Nil

Educational Qualifications

I - Engineering Graduate Apprentices:

  • Relevant discipline mein ek statutory university se di gayi full-time Engineering ya Technology ki degree.
  • Relevant discipline mein ek aise institution se di gayi full-time Engineering ya Technology ki degree, jisko Parliament ke Act ke through degree grant karne ka adhikar hai.
  • State Government ya Central Government dwara equivalent maana gaya professional bodies ki graduate exam (full-time).

II - Non-Engineering Graduate Apprentices:

  • Relevant discipline mein ek statutory university se di gayi full-time Bachelor degree.

III - Technician (Diploma) Apprentices:

  • Relevant discipline mein State Government dwara established Technical Education Council ya Board se di gayi full-time Engineering ya Technology ki diploma.
  • Relevant discipline mein ek university se di gayi full-time Engineering ya Technology ki diploma.
  • State Government ya Central Government dwara equivalent maana gaya institution se di gayi full-time Engineering aur Technology ki diploma.

Vacancy Details

Engineering Graduate Apprentice:

DisciplineNumber of Vacancies
Mechanical Engineering50
Electrical and Electronics Engineering50
Civil Engineering17
Instrumentation Engineering07
Chemical Engineering05
Mining Engineering25
Computer Science and Engineering30
Electronics and Communication Engineering08

Non-Engineering Graduate Apprentice:

DisciplineNumber of Vacancies
Computer Science40
Computer Application25
Business Administration25
Micro Biology02

Technician (Diploma) Apprentice:

DisciplineNumber of Vacancies
Mechanical Engineering45
Electrical and Electronics Engineering45
Civil Engineering10
Instrumentation Engineering05
Mining Engineering17
Computer Science and Engineering10
Electronics and Communication Engineering05
Medical Lab Technology/Laboratory Technology05
X-ray Technician/Technician X-ray02
Catering Technology and Hotel Management06

Method of Selection

For Engineering & Non-Engineering Graduates and Technician Apprentices:

1. The percentage of marks obtained by the candidate in his/her Diploma/Degree will be based on the percentage of marks obtained by the candidate.

2. The marks obtained by the candidate in his/her Bachelor's Degree/Diploma will be calculated as per the procedure of the University/Institute from which the candidate has obtained the Degree/Diploma.

3. If the candidate has been awarded Grades/CGPA instead of marks, the percentage will be calculated as per the procedure of the University/Institute from which he/she has obtained the Degree/Diploma.

4. If the University/Institute does not have any prescribed scheme for calculation of percentage marks, the following principles will apply:

  • If grades/CGPA are awarded, the percentage equivalent will be determined by multiplying the Grade/CGPA by a factor of 10.
  • If marks are awarded semester-wise, the percentage equivalent will be calculated by taking the average of the percentage of marks obtained in all semesters from the second year to the final year.
  • If marks are awarded year-wise, the percentage equivalent will be calculated by taking the average of the percentage of marks obtained in all years, from the second year to the final year.


Selected candidates for the respective posts will be eligible to receive a salary ranging from ₹12,524 to ₹15,028 per month.

  • Engineering Graduate: ₹15,028
  • Non-Engineering Graduate: ₹12,524
  • Technician (Diploma): ₹12,524

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How to apply

  1. First of all candidates should visit the official website

  2. Click on the “CAREERS” link to open the career page.

  3. Select the “Trainees & Apprentices” tab.

  4. Click on the “Online Application (Graduate & Technician Apprentices)” link under Advertisement No. L&DC/01B/2024. (This link will be available from 10:00 AM on 19-08-2024 to 5:00 PM on 02-09-2024.)

  5. Fill the application form and print a copy of the registration form.

  6. Submit the filled and signed registration form directly to the following address:

    The General Manager, Land Department, NLC India Limited, Neyveli – 607 803

  7. Attach self-attested copies of the following documents along with the application and submit by 07-09-2024 by 5:00 PM:

    Required Documents:

    • SSLC/HSc Mark Sheet
    • Transfer Certificate
    • Community Certificate (if applicable for SC/ST/OBC/EWS)
    • Degree Certificate / Diploma Certificate / Provisional Certificate(If the course was completed in 2024 and all semester mark sheets are received but the provisional certificate has not yet been issued, a Temporary Provisional Certificate on the college letterhead signed by the principal can be submitted.)
    • Consolidated Mark Sheet (or) Semester-wise Mark Sheet
    • Proof of Disability (if applicable)
    • Proof for Wards of Ex-Servicemen (if applicable)
    • LA Form with Annexures (can be downloaded and filled out)
    • Format showing the method of calculating percentage of marks (can be downloaded)